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Pressure Sand Filters
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The filtering procedure also eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes

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Jiangsu, China
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We employ cutting-edge technology to create several types of high-quality sand filters, which are extensively used in water pre-treatment. Our filters efficiently desalinate water while also removing turbidity. The filtering procedure also eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes generated by dissolved organic molecules in water.
Our factory's filtration system water and other goods have received ISO certification, as well as a number of patents and certificates. NEWater has also received recognition for the environmental engineering that it has included into all of its products.
Design of a Pressure Sand Filter:
  1. High-Performance HDPE Liner-This liner is non-toxic to people, works at low temperatures, has a long life, and can be filled with a range of filter materials.
  2. Fiberglass Shell-Appealing in appearance, appropriate for commercial and industrial water treatment, and corrosion-resistant.
  3. Water and wastewater purification treatment media tanks, such as media filters and water softeners, are extensively used in the food, environmental, and other industries.
  4. Tight mouth design- The tank body is comprised of glass fiber-reinforced plastics, and the tank mouth is formed as a single piece with transparent threads and a tight fit.
Working Principle of a Sand Filter:
As the suspended particles are caught by the sand as the feedwater is equally dispersed across the top of the sand filter bed, they trickle down the graded sand layer. The removal of these suspended particles is mostly dependent on the mechanical strain and van der Waals force concepts. Sand particles catch and keep suspended components as they trickle down the filter bed in mechanical filtering. Physical adsorption, or van der Waals force, on the other hand, facilitates the attachment of typically small-sized particles to sand grains. Furthermore, flocculation and coagulation are used to accelerate the adhesion process in some circumstances.
The excessive build-up of retained components in pressure sand filters might cause clogging of the filter material. The cleaning procedure (backwash) is then started to restore the pressure sand filter's initial productivity.

Applications of  Pressure Sand Filters

  1. Water cooling treatment
  2. Treatment of Boiler Feed Water
  3. Treatment of waste water
  4. Reverse osmosis equipment pretreatment.
  5. Filtration of swimming pool water
  6. Manufacturing Industry
  7. Car washing
  8. Food preparation
  9. Industry of electroplating
  10. Mining and Metallurgy of Coal

The Benefits of a Pressure Sand Filter:

  1. Thorough quality control in compliance with NSF50 and MINDER standards.
  2. Professionally integrated design, straightforward installation, and careful choosing.
  3. Non-corrosive reinforced glass fiber cylinder with excellent strength and durability, suitable for all types of high-performance pool filtration systems.
  4. A long-lasting, all-weather sand tank foundation.
  5. Combine the sand discharge and water exit for simplicity of maintenance.
  6. UV-resistant surface coating for years of outdoor usage.
  7. The warranty lasts one year, and the service life is predicted to be between five and ten years.

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